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Carbohydrates and protein both have four calories per gram, while fat has nine calories per gram. The belief is that restricting fat will result in a caloric deficit. Fat is also believed to be most easily converted into body fat due to the similar composition. . meizitang softgel slimming capsule…

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Thank you for your advice. I should have mentioned earlier that she is about 5’7″ and weighed about 120 before the pregnancy. Ithink knowing her pre pregnancy weight makes a big diff in understanding my level of concern. Also, she admits she wants small babies. It just does not seem…

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“Glycemic index” is a scientific measurement used to rank the effect of various foods on blood glucose. A person eats an amount of food that contains a particular weight of carbohydrates, say 100 grams, and then their blood glucose is measured. The result is compared to the effect of eating…