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Stress is your body’s physical response to things that disturb your natural balance. It can be brought on by external things, such as work, family problems or financial difficulties. Stress can also be self generated; pressure from perfectionism or constantly putting yourself down can stress you out. When you are…

Hugo what daidaihua and business in lehigh valley who sell bee pollen

The first thing you want to do is a quick Internet search for foods rich in fiber. There are foods other than vegetables that are rich in fiber so you may have to scroll down a section or two. I have found several websites that offer this information free of…

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Crunching on a breadstick or sucking on a breadcrust is so much more stimulating for the brain than chomping up a banana (a common excess of this particular fruit makes dopey (phenaline) and in colder climates leads to constant runny noses it is a “cooling” fruit). Too much orange juice…