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To speed weight loss, adjust your eating habits to accelerate your metabolism. Eating several small meals, rather than three large ones, can help increase your metabolism. To do this, plan a small breakfast, lunch and dinner that consist of one third grains, one third protein and one third vegetables. Add…

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The cookbook contains a few biblical surprises. It seems unlikely, for instance, that Jesus of Nazareth was familiar with Worcestershire sauce or with Dijon mustard. Recipes, meanwhile, range from such timeless classics as Mediterranean fish stew and broiled lamb (under the heading “Bring the fatted calf here and kill it,…

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Losing Weight By Drinking Cold WaterHere’s another look at how drinking water can help you lose weight, but this time it is cold water. Drinking cold water for weight loss isn’t without its logic. The logic is that the body requires extra energy to warm up the cold water that…