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Routine action is often a way the human psyche finds security in everyday life. However, making the bed or brushing your teeth does not reach your body on a deep, psychological level the same way as daily physical fitness. When you push your body to the limit, your intrinsic instincts…

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Edit: I still think that book, the 11th hour addition of a key character, the paper thin explanation, the unsatisfying resolution of Mordred, the really unsatisfying ending of the Crimson King, and most of the last third of that book were just shit. Lazy, forgettable shit. But I was really…

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While genetics is thought to account for about 80% of the cause of bipolar disorder, there remain many unknown factors including environmental triggers in particular physical and emotional stressors on the body. This study is not examining any of these important factors.New Technology Opening New Frontiers for Bipolar ResearchThis is…