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The next step is equipment and clothes. You can ride with any shirt, jersey or T shirt you like, but make sure you buy cycling specific shorts. These have padding in the seat called a chamois and are essential for comfort. Ride 4 or 5 miles with regular shorts if…

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Clean out the pantry for potential slip ups: There might be some leftover sweets from Christmas or indulgent gifts you haven’t gotten around to yet. Think twice before you decide to keep these temptations around your home, Sygo warns. “It’s sad to see these things go in the garbage but…

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Those who are a little overweight or looking to maintain a healthy weight are recommended to follow a traditional diet. This diet includes fruits, vegetables, grains, fat free and low fat dairy products, meats, beans, eggs and nuts. This diet should also be low in unhealthy fats, salts and added…