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Hello George! I am currently adjusting my diet to a more healthful, lower in fat, less junk food diet. I do have a question, though. When I make dinner, I usually have a meat/fish, such as ham, salmon, chicken, etc. and a veggie, (broccoli, corn, or green beans. I would…

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Calcium from oyster shell may contain unacceptably higher lead levels. Although most of the calcium preparations are well tolerated but constipation and gaseousness can occur. Vitamin D About 800 IU of vitamin D taken along with 1 to 1.5 gm of calcium supplements the risk of hip fracture significantly. #…

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I had a weird history with Chase Ink Bold card. In 2011 I applied and was declined (probably had 650 ish FICO then with no serious baddies). I wrote them a recon letter and they came through and issued me a card with a $6k limit. . what is zi…

Hugh bee pollen lfe threating . can i drink acai berry pomegranate tea while breastfeeding

So first you need to calculate how much calories you may take in. Simply for active people they should multiply their weight by 20, for average activity multiply by 17 and for low activity multiply weight by 15. – bee pollen lfe threating My dad doctor refused to even discuss…