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Sew large strips of Velcro onto the larger piece of canvas on each side of the pouch. Place one side of the Velcro strips on each side of the pouch. Place the soft side of the Velcro on the same side of the canvas as the pouch and the sticky…

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Making dietary changes can dramatically reduce the risk of forming more kidney stones. Many urologists recommend that kidney stone patients perform a 24 hour urine collection to measure urinary minerals. Sometimes important metabolic abnormalities can be detected. Most commonly, however, a diet too rich in oxalate and too poor in…

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Secondly, the focus on losing pounds is completely misplaced to begin with. Weight is about as heritable as height they both have to do with nutrition, yes, but they are mostly determined by genetics. The number on the scale is completely arbitrary, and will vary wildly from person to person…