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As you are working for yourself, you are responsible for earning enough money to live on and therefore you are loath to take leave of any kind because when you don work you don get paid. In the beginning you are probably a one man band, operating as a sole…

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So, by healthy diet, that just means make sure you eat from each major food group. Make sure you’re including a variety of fruits and vegetables on a daily basis. Make sure you’re getting some good whole grains on a daily basis, whether that comes from brown rice or whole…

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The way in which service responses are structured does not always help. One example of this is that there is no equivalent of the paediatric service for adults with learning disabilities in the NHS. Instead, responsibility within the community lies principally within primary care. There is no doubt that there…

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Pelvic tilts are done lying on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Feel that your lower back naturally curves off the floor. Squeeze your abs and glutes as you tilt your pelvis backward to press your low back to the floor. ) fruta…