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Losing weight doesn’t have to be a challenge, but it is. Obesity is one of the biggest problems facing kids today and if you look at most school menus you can see why. The schools offer salads and other healthy choices, but what kid is going to have a salad…

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These sources are all, what I would deem, typicaly Anthroposophic and steer closely to the Steiner tradition. This is recommendable, from my experience, (not origianlly an Anthroposophist) since it helps you better discern the value of modern interpretors or variations. There are some curious philosophies going around which smack of…

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Because tailgate or RV campers at a campground can afford to bring food with substantially less regard to the backcountry campers’ calorie to weight ratio, they have more options. This means they can bring canned goods as they wish, for example. However, they still need to pay close attention to…