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I started June 10 at 264, this morning I weighed 234, down 30 pounds or 2.1 pounds a week. Yesterday, I did my 500 calories on the treadmill at the YMCA, ate lightly, but gained a pound from the 233 I weighed the day before! The important thing is the…

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There was too much voting habit ground to make up by the time she was back on the stageSo then there was Little Mix. In a year when people seemed to have got a bit of X Factor fatigue, Little Mix felt like an injection of something new. Whilst also…

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Step 4: Ditch the sugar and artificial sweeteners. The typical adult consumes 15 to 20 teaspoons sugar a day, which works out to an average of 60 lbs over a one year period! While it is often easy to spot in common treats like cakes, cookies, and candy, sugar is…