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Foods To be Excluded: Any processed high carb foods have a tendency to slow down the process of weight loss. So when you are trying to lose weight, then you should stay away from foods like white rice, white breads, and pasta. Refined sugars are also exceptionally bad and often…

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A member of the rose family, firethorn (Pyracantha coccinea) is an evergreen shrub that grows throughout western Asia and southern Europe. The shrub grows to be about 10 feet tall, with a similar spread. Commonly grown in the United States, firethorn has a tangled, wild habit characterized by scores of…

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This image released by NASA April 4, 2011, from its Terra satellite shows a thick wall of dust that blew across the Arabian Peninsula March 25 27, 2011, had thinned into an ethereal plume that extended across the Arabian Sea by the time the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on…