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For me, pre pg I was always on the little side and always able to lose weight so easily if i wanted. So when i had my daughter, I was acutally losing alot of the weight from pg. I was 100lbs before pg. then gave birth at about 138lbs. I…

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Omg I think they are a great pair. I am so happy for Eric, he is like my top 3 fave shinhwa member! Park Shi Yeon, if I remember right is the leading lady of Jo In Sung in like a movie or a series something I just can’t remember…

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Depending on your age and fitness goals, you may not even need to hit the gym for an hour every day. According to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, an average sized adult between the ages of 18 and 64 should get at least 2 hours and 30 minutes…