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Hey sweetie, I know how you feel and you do not need to diet. If you would feel better losing some weight stick to a MINIMUM of 1200 calories. And if you are exercising you will need more. Like moxxy said, spread it out into more smaller meals. I assume…

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And then, of course, there are the more mundane dangers: angry dogs, defensive homeowners, attack junkies. My brother was training a new kid once in East Hastings when a drugged out maniac came at them on the way to their car. They piled in, and the dude chased their car…

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Rebecca completed courses in Medical Terminology, Administrative Medical Assisting, and Coding and Billing. She is recognized by the National Healthcareer Association as a Certified Billing and Coding Specialist (CBCS) and Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA). In addition, Rebecca is a former gymnast and is avid about yoga, swimming and other athletic…