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The following are the most common diseases found in the German shepherd breed.Chronic diarrhea. Loose stool that has persisted for more than two to three weeks. May be accompanied by vomiting and weight loss. Causes include ingestion of toxins, intestinal parasites, intestinal infections, digestive enzyme deficiency, food allergies, inflammatory bowel…

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The combination of quick contracting, injury resistant muscles is a trademark of the Kenyan runners.So how should you actually carry out your protective, downhill workouts? Once a week for about four weeks, go to a hill which slopes downward for 50 yards or more; for your initial workout, choose a…

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After a few minutes, the coworker returns from his break, and walks past his “friends” on the way to his spot on the line. When he makes his way into the hallway, the others nonchalantly follow behind, and when the coworker passes near the grenades, one of the others pulls…