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I struggled with anorexia and bulimia when i was in high school, but then got control on my own and everything was fine until i gained fifty pounds with my last pregnancy. I managed to lose all of it using high protein, no carbs, 400 cal/day (or less), ephedra and…

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Review your diet to make sure that you aren’t taking in too many or too few calories. Keep a detailed food diary to help you stay honest with yourself. Sampling sauces while cooking, munching mindlessly in front of the TV and clearing your kids’ plates for them can all add…

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You’ve probably heard it a million times: Portion control is the key to weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight. It makes complete sense: Eat smaller portions, and you’ll consume fewer calories. But it’s easy to overindulge when we’re surrounded by oversized restaurant portions, bulk sizes at the supermarket, and…