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Since target fisheries for sharks were so ephemeral, and because sharks were not as economically important as other more abundant fish, very little monitoring or assessing of shark populations was undertaken. By the latter part of the 20th century, fisheries science had evolved but was still focused on the most…

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In vitro and in vivo data has shown that bismuth subsalicylate hydrolyzes in the gut to bismuth oxychloride and salicylic acid and less commonly bismuth hydroxide. In the stomach, this is likely an acid catalyzed hydrolysis. The salicylic acid is absorbed and therapeutical concentration of salicylic acid can be found…

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You can try a diet of 1200 calories but it needs to be broken down into small mini meals throughout the whole day. The method would be your three regular meals at around 300 calories and the smaller ‘snacks’ at around 100 calories. Try to eat something every three hours…