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Comment number 4. At 09:37 24th Jul 2010, fionac wrote: I have been watching Big meets Bigger all the way through and have thoroughly enjoyed it. Even though I work as a nutritionist for a hospital I didn’t realise how bad the pandemic of obesity is and was surprised to…

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So take a toy or ball outside and play with your pup for a few minutes and he should go or go for a walk. They usually need a couple movements, so if your pup has an accident after going, you know if that is the case and how much…

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Kidney function extends beyond waste excretion to include extremity fatigue, vertigo and poor health. Wang, an herbalist and owner of E. Shan Tang Herbs in Allstonm Mass., Goji berries can be used for “kidney yin deficiency.” He continues, “If knees are weak, legs are weak, or there’s vertigo, these are…