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Yellow stool can indicate that food is passing through the digestive tract relatively quickly. Yellow stool can be found in people with GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). Symptoms of GERD include heartburn, chest pain, sore throat, chronic cough, and wheezing. Symptoms are usually worse when lying down or bending. Foods that…

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Mayim BialikActress, Mayim Bialik blogged in September about starting to wean her 3 year old. In her new book, “Beyond The Sling,” Bialik writes that he still nurses about five times a day, and recently told CNN “it is still a tremendous source of discipline, and of bonding, that occurs…

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How I Lost It: That first day I walked, I could only go for a few blocks: 0.4 miles. But I knew if I stuck to it daily and added distance, I would be a success. Each day, I ventured out further until by my sixth week, I was walking…