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The chronic inflammation of your cat’s bladder that is causing him so much discomfort must be addressed. In addition to ensuring that he’s drinking plenty of water (at least one half cup daily; you can season it with chicken broth, if that helps), herbal and other treatments might help. These…

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So, by healthy diet, that just means make sure you eat from each major food group. Make sure you’re including a variety of fruits and vegetables on a daily basis. Make sure you’re getting some good whole grains on a daily basis, whether that comes from brown rice or whole…

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We don’t want that for the big day. Number 4, drink plenty of water. You’d be amazed how much you can clear and clean in your body by just drinking enough water. And let me give you a formula for you to really accurately measure how much water you need…

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The main sources of vitamin B12 are meat, poultry, milk, eggs and fish. Naturally, those who follow a strict vegetarian diet have to rely on vitamin supplements. There are several people who opt for vitamin B12 injections as a cure for obesity. Vitamin B12 shots are directly injected into the…