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Like I said, ideally, I would only want to take on about three people at a time. I a single mom, I have two jobs and I am in full time graduate school, so to say I am short on time is an understatement. Still, I seem to find the…

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Even if you kicked the caffeine and stay away from dessert, you are still not losing weight. Why? Though fruit, vegetables and lean proteins are excellent choices, it is possible to get too much of a good thing. Downing an entire bag of grapes or five breasts of chicken in…

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She’s under the impression that she needs to eat gluten (or a ‘normal’) diet for the next week or so before seeing her doctor to ask for a blood test. Of course that means a week of being sick. When exactly does she need to start eating gluten to avoid…

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“What you’re describing with Instagram is part of this social norm that has been emerging for some time now in tandem with the rise of mobile communication, where there is the expectation of connectivity and sharing,” Ito wrote in an email. “If that norm is violated, it signals something unusual…

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Determine where you should aim with your first step by sitting on the starting line with your back perpendicular to the line and your legs extended straight in front of you. Mark the point where your kneecaps are on the ground. This is where you should aim with your first…