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For me, pre pg I was always on the little side and always able to lose weight so easily if i wanted. So when i had my daughter, I was acutally losing alot of the weight from pg. I was 100lbs before pg. then gave birth at about 138lbs. I…

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Here is why: Losing weight takes a herculean, single minded commitment to everything you put in your mouth and every movement you make. And not just this month, until you lose those 10 or 100 pounds, you will need to focus on it for the rest of your life. ,…

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I would mix it with a lower protein brand such as Serengetti Cat (36%) or Wilderness Blue Buffalo (40%). Like Evo, Wellness Core and Wysong both contain 50% protein, which would not be of help to you.Guidelines for selecting ferret food:The first three ingredients should be meat based, and not…