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Another is kidney disease, when the kidneys no longer excrete toxins from the circulatory system. Excessive urination or no urination at all, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, and anorexia are all symptoms. Diabetes results when the cat’s pancreas either stops producing insulin or the body stops responding to the action of…

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“I feel like I am always putting out fires at work, so at the end of the day, the last thing I want to do is one more thing like drive home,” she says. “So when I walk out of work and he is sitting in the parking lot patiently…

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My name is sandeep i workout up to twice a day 20 25 minutes each workout 6 days a weeki use to eat really healtky for 2 months but now i feel more carves for jumk food and wen i eat i eat alot to much but dont gain wight…