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To prevent withdrawal symptoms (such as weakness, weight loss, nausea, muscle pain, headache, tiredness, dizziness), your doctor may direct you to slowly lower the dose of your old medication after you begin using this product. Consult your doctor or pharmacist for more details, and report any withdrawal reactions immediately. ….

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If you have serious space issues, this thing is a dream. Consider getting an extra bracket, though, or building a floor stand (that you can put away somewhere). That way you can mount it low, use gravity/siphon to fill it up, then hoist it up and mount it higher and…

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More often than not, when you embark on a weight loss program, you put all the focus on your physical body; you are constantly on the scale to see if you have lost half a pound since coffee break; you worry about what you eat and whether your pants are…

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The expensive chemo drugs are not working and my PSA is now rising to dangerous levels; meanwhile the drug companies are profiteering from my misfortune. Of course if the drugs don’t work there is no refund for all the money my medical insurance paid for the drugs, and I feel…