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While following the 44 day diet plan, the dieter follows a high calorie diet in the first two days of the loading phase. In the next three weeks following the loading phase, the dieter has to follow a 500 calorie diet. Foods rich in sugar and starch have to be…

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Then one day I thought, fuck it, I try to jog, so I did maybe 50m, went back to walking, did it again, repeated it all the way home. If your heavy like me, jogging is horrid. I done 5 stone total in 18 months and got another 2.5 to…

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On the extremely rare occasions when a shotgun has been shown to have exploded (seemingly always with hand loads instead of factory loads), excluding situations where the barrel was obstructed, the body part injured was always the left hand. I took the precaution of wearing a leather glove on my…

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I recently have been very interested in eating healthy and as a result have lost 10 pounds! I use to be very overweight and I’m amazed at how much energized I feel. However, when I try to share my enthusiasm for healthful eating with my family they ridicule me! We…

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During the course, it dawned on me that the general public always HEARS about nutrition but we’re never really TAUGHT it. Two decades ago, in secondary school health courses, we had short blurbs about nutrition and my stepson, who recently graduated secondary school, never had a single lesson about nutrition…