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Another herb that you can use is licorice root, and there are many, many more. But these herbs and the herbs that follow in that family are really used to help the the body to digest and eliminate food properly. You know, a lot of people simply don’t eliminate through…

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Dr. Ian Smith: Shout out back atchya, I miss TC (Teachers College of Columbia University). Listen, it’s all about motivation. I can’t give you motivation, but I can teach you how to find it and keep it and get perspective. You are a perfect candidate for my new book, The…

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The Talk Test:When you are performing a low to moderate intensity session you should be able to breathe comfortably and rhythmically throughout the entire session. At higher levels of intensity, breathing is significantly more strenuous and challenging then above. You should be able to get out a couple of words,…

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If we can maintain a consistent workout then more likely the chances are that we are going to see the change in our strength and in our endurance increase in our bodies. Second if we can find a workout schedule that we can adhere to and we can stay consistent…