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In vitro and in vivo data has shown that bismuth subsalicylate hydrolyzes in the gut to bismuth oxychloride and salicylic acid and less commonly bismuth hydroxide. In the stomach, this is likely an acid catalyzed hydrolysis. The salicylic acid is absorbed and therapeutical concentration of salicylic acid can be found…

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It meant to suggest that we should defund Planned Parenthood. An important question for conservatives to ask is, which do you care more about, looking tough on abortion or actually decreasing the number of abortions?Grandstanding/looking tough on abortions in not the same as actually preventing them. Grandstanding is passing onerous…

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“Whittle your waist,” as they used to say. Unfortunately, spot reducing doesn’t work. However, you can tone the muscles in your midsection with these powerhouse exercises. Do them every other day. These specific moves will increase the strength in your core as well as the upper body. The real necessities…