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Remember, the speed bag is not soley about speed, but it also develops eye hand coordination. One could master a round bag that would only move back and forth with one’s eyes closed.However, if you suspect that the bag is truly defective (which is possible), then exchange it or buy…

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There have been several ginger supplements and herb forms that have been successful in inducing weight loss. There is no scientific research to date on ginger and weight loss, and ginger has not been proven to burn off fat. However, ginger root tea, ginger spice, and ginger tincture are great…

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Ours, a female, 4 months old, has been with us 24 hours, and we need advice. She growls softly at a couple of our children sometimes when they aproach her. We have a 6.5 year old male nuetered Lab/Retriever mix and three spayed cats that she has already bonded with….