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“I always tell my girlfriends that they won’t meet a man in a nightclub, although I met two of my three in clubs,” she laughs. “I didn’t know much about Michael when I met him, as I had been living in Belfast and hadn’t seen Eurovision. We travelled around the…

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I used to eat Pringles etc. myself, and like with all carbohydrates(especially processed ones) they don’t satisfy the body’s craving for fat and protein so, inevitably, I wasforced to eat more before my appetite was gone. The reason for this ispartly because protein and fat contain far more energy in…

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Professor Jennie Brand Miller, expert nutritionist from the University of Sydney and president of the Glycemic Index Foundation, agrees. “You only have to consume 50 calories extra a day to be a few kilos heavier at the end of the year. We’re talking about the equivalent of half an apple…