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Fasting is a time honored way to rid the body of toxins and lose weight. When doing a fast, you are not allowed to eat food, though you can drink liquids. Well known examples are the Master Cleanse and a juice fast. , why have new beeginnings bee pollen pills…

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The pastor isn responsible for your life problems. There are hundreds of members of the church, and the lead pastor is likely not going to be the most relatable person among them for a particular issue in any church. 0 2 day university of manchester diet He was also depressed,…

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For the last dozen years, I’ve been on and off the diet hamster wheel, and it’s left me 50 lbs heavier than I started (“obese” by BMI standards) and with a seriously broken relationship to food. The breaking point finally came last week when I tried for the nth time…

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You already have the bike, but you pay a large amount of money for a very shoddy car that needs a lot of repairs and upkeep and maintenance. You spend years working on that junk heap of a car until it runs okay, maybe not as well as you would…