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So, by healthy diet, that just means make sure you eat from each major food group. Make sure you’re including a variety of fruits and vegetables on a daily basis. Make sure you’re getting some good whole grains on a daily basis, whether that comes from brown rice or whole…

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Furthermore, over 95 percent of the study participants were white, non Hispanic men, she notes. Though the mechanism at work is most likely the same in women and minorities, “we should be cautious in generalizing these results to other segments of the population until there is further research,” Kaye told…

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Choose activities that you enjoy so that you know you’ll keep at it.Avoid doing too much too soon.If you’re not following a schedule, track your mileage so you don’t overdo it and get injured. During your first several weeks, don’t run two days in a row. ) incan berries The…

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About a year ago my family decided to leave Iraq. I was coming to the UK for a year to study and most of my extended family had already left Iraq as the levels of violence on the streets rose and we all felt frustrated by the lack of any…