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I was surprised, says Del Monte. far as I concerned, South Jersey is a hub for bright, young entrepreneurs, and to be recognized with 39 other incredibly talented individuals is a humbling experience. Jaime Angelini, the director of consumer services for the Mental Health Association in Atlantic County says she…

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I have two sons both are milk protein intolerant, one is 5 years and one is 15 months. The 15 month old was on neocate but has stopped drinking it because he has been switched to a cup. We are also moving to the US in April and I don’t…

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The new season of “Here Comes Honey Boo Boo” will be airing on TLC soon, and the Shannon/ Thompson family will likely be just as crazy as ever. Recently, June set up a trust fund for each of her daughters using the money that they made from filming the show….

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Eat some nuts, seeds (not peanuts!) or a slice of bread and butter with the carrot (vit. A is only fat soluable). = mfp diet pills for men? I used to weight about 190 lbs before and I noticed my skin was a bit saggy/soft from the fat i used…