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Now that you understand the two basic tenets of PCOS dieting consume only low GI carbs with lean protein sources you can then use that information to construct an effective PCOS detox. One detox system that utilizes both of these principles fairly well is the Fruit Flush Detox by nutritionist…

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Even walking can have just as much benefit as running or jogging. There was a recent episode of The Nature of Things that talked about how high intensity training can be even more beneficial than traditional, longer workouts. Set your alarm 30 minutes early and try using a plan like…

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Immediately after your workout, take some easily digestible protein like a whey protein shake to give your body an instant supply of energy and also to rebuild muscle tissues. Then after around 1 hour, you can have a solid meal.(4) Focus on quality foodsIt’s of no use training hard and…

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Hello!! I have a question about endurance and the body. So I was working out with exercise DVD’s (jillian Michaels) and they were pretty intense, but then I started getting better after a few weeks. Unfortunaly then I had an injury to my ankle and stopped for about 3 weeks…