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But it’s not just brains that suffer as a result of our low fat diet, Seneff says, and she is not the first to attribute our low fat diet to our increasing obesity rates. The stigma against fats, particularly saturated fats, appears to be waning (I wrote about this last…

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Top of pageResultsAt baseline (1991), men and women with less occupational activity had higher overweight prevalence (Table 1). Overweight prevalence was higher in urban residents and individuals of middle or upper income. Among men only, overweight prevalence was significantly higher in those with some college or technical education. Overweight increased…

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The teen years till the late 20s, is a time period where there is no stress of paying the bills, handling the job or caring for the spouse; life is simply care free. Unfortunately, times have changed and life for the youth is beyond studies and going out. For them,…