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“There a big difference between snack and treat, a treat usually comes in a bag, box or package, usually has more sodium and sugar. More of the detrimental kinds of fat and a lot of additives, preservatives and food colourings. Things that we want to have less of in our…

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The only opinion that counts is YOURS. If YOU believe in yourself, and think you can make it, or even think you can stand the journey, take it. Let no one step on your dreams. Others have enough to do talking themselves out of their own journeys. Let them go…

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If you follow your dance class with a big, cheesy Mexican meal, a huge smoothie or a trip to your favorite fast food joint, you can completely undo all your hard work. In some cases, you might even eat more calories than you burned, which won’t do much for your…

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Centre for Developmental Disability HealthMonash Alfred Psychiatry Research Centre (MAPrc)Monash Centre for Inflammatory DiseasesMonash University is an energetic and dynamic university committed to quality education, outstanding research and international engagement. A member of Australia Group of Eight research intensive universities and the M8 Alliance of Academic Health Centers and Medical…

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And, it is not that he got this success in one shot. Initially, he tried his luck as a bowler but he could not impress his coach about it and so finally the coach only guided him to choose for batting. Now, see the difference his bowler coach guided him…