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Food wise, Moore suggests eating something light before your appointment. “If you don’t eat anything before, you can feel weak after the treatment because a lot of energy is moving around,” she says. It’s also best to stay away from caffeine for the day, if you can. 0 botaniccal slim…

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She’s under the impression that she needs to eat gluten (or a ‘normal’) diet for the next week or so before seeing her doctor to ask for a blood test. Of course that means a week of being sick. When exactly does she need to start eating gluten to avoid…

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:hug: its horrible to be sick, and really, truly KNOW you are sick, and not be able to point to an Xray, or MRI, or peice of paper on blood work to say “I told you so!” some MDs treat you like you are whining, or just looking for a…

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I was immediatly started on coumindin shots in the stomach. I dont have a family history of blood clots and honesty think mine were caused from not being able to move after surgery. My question is what can i do and what are my options for the fatigue, muscle weekness…