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And who would make sure, you ride this roller coaster? Parents not the girl’s, Guy’s. Girl’s parents happen to be a much milder version of any potential problem on the roar; it’s usually the guy’s mother, the eternal villain in the love triangle of Girl Guy and Guy’s mother. Top…

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What we put in our mouths first thing determines how we will eat for the rest of the day. Don’t eat enough at breakfast, or worse still skip it all together and you’ll most probably over eat later on in the day and make unhealthy high calorie choices. Choose a…

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It is also prescribed to treat coronary artery disease that causes decrease in flow of blood through the arteries of the heart. It is an aldopentose compound that is basically a monosaccharide sugar in acyclic form. It has an aldehyde functional group present at one end. ? 2 packs bottled…