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Setting a goal of burning 500 calories is about more than just picking a round number. Although it’s virtually impossible to track the total number of calories you burn during the day, given that your body is consistently burning calories at varying rates, a workout that burns 500 calories puts…

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Panik played tonight as if he he didn’t want to be the guy who leaves. He had two singles, including the hit and run piece in the second inning that led to the Giants’ first run, and that was big. The Giants remain a team with a great record when…

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I remember the first time I considered going on a diet and realizing, if I give myself a goal and then reach it, what then? If you have struggled with weight all your life, it means that something has to change forever. You can’t just lose 30 lbs and think…

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Clearly, [Atkins own nutritional protocols have left him, at the age of 71, with an extraordinarily healthy cardiovascular system”. According to reports on CNN at the time of Atkins convalescence, Dr. Clyde Yancy, a cardiologist at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas and a member of the…