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Prison physician Barry Kellog, who examined him, did not find Mejia in any acute distress and prescribed more prednisone and sulfasalazine. He’d later recall he saw Mejia only briefly, and was not informed by the nurse who was assisting him and had treated Mejia earlier that the patient turned out…

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Or 1 egg, 1 pc. of wheat toast and a fruit.Around 9:30 I have an apple or banana or something under 100 calories.At 12:00, I try to eat a big lunch. 3 oz. of meat, a medium potato and loads of veggies.At 3:30 I treat myself to a cup of…

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These are just a few of many possibilities for her signs, and I really would encourage you to get this girl seen sooner rather than later in case she has something serious going on here. Whatever the case you will definitely need to visit your Vet in the morning unless…