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Now seen by many as one of the Allies’ greatest disasters, it i nvolved more than 500,000 Allied troops including 410,000 British soldiers and was carried out between April 1915 and January 1916. As well as troops from Britain and Turkey, there were forces from France, Australia and New Zealand….

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It meant to suggest that we should defund Planned Parenthood. An important question for conservatives to ask is, which do you care more about, looking tough on abortion or actually decreasing the number of abortions?Grandstanding/looking tough on abortions in not the same as actually preventing them. Grandstanding is passing onerous…

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Ashton Kutcher might be the only Twitter celebrity with the power to change it. As entrepreneur and Twitter favorite Gary Vaynerchuk says: “Ashton is one of the more ‘real’ celebs out there. I would hate to see him shy away from the platform.” Ashton brought these celebrity brands to the…