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It depends on who you ask: The Institute of Medicine released a report in 2003 telling us to exercise a full hour each day to manage our weight. For years we heard we needed 30 minutes day four or five days per week to be helathy. And of course, there…

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But I have come to think of those foods as poison since they make me feel lousy.4. lowers cancer risk (not eliminate)5. you will drift to your “ideal” body weight without focusing on losing weight. It may take 6 12 months, but it will happen if you are strict on…

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Excluding it entirely is a bad idea as I especially thrive on things like raw, wildcaught oysters, at the same time, I’ve tried a 100% raw seafood plus some raw carbs diet, a long while back, and it was not a success, either.Re fishing/parasites/pollution: in my 7 years of being…

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As frustrating as it was, Butler forced herself to do the mediation exercises she recommends to her support group. “You concentrate on your breath: five counts in and 10 counts out, walking down a hill, walking on the beach,” says Butler. “That’s all you focus on. It works, if you…

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