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I lift weights 3 days a week now. On those days I split up different sections of the body but I do abs every day that I lift. I am probably only getting in 10 15 minutes of running each day so I should probably increase that. ! weight loss…

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“In the olden days most doctors would live above their surgeries as it made it easier for patients to call upon them during the night,” explains Dr Thompson. “Apart from this surgery, I only know of one other in Scotland where the doctor actually lives on site too. Most doctors…

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So, you’re going to lay on your back, go ahead and have both legs straight, get used to the weight on your heels. And draw the left leg into your chest and release those fingers and pull that knee into your chest, just relax here, look up to the ceiling,…

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The other cardiovascular exercise, which you can undertake is running or jogging. I like to go jogging early in the morning to a park close by. It gives me a good exercise and a chance to spend some time midst nature. So that you do not end up injuring yourself,…