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Those who follow the law of weight loss, will have higher chance getting their stomach flat, losing stubborn belly fat, getting their thighs slimmer, toning up their arm, getting a much sexier back and finally have a well toned butt. The ones that religiously adhere to the law of weight…

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Make your own own soups with chunky vegetables, adding spices to enhance taste and help shed weight. How you ask? Well, a Dutch study has found spices aid fat burning by creating body heat. They also curb the appetite helping you feel full quicker. Best results come from black pepper,…

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You got it right, mf6026. I had it wrong yesterday, too I wanted to eat 1500 calories, so that’s what I put. This is so unbelievable. I wanted to increase what I’ve been eating, because I felt my scales didn’t move much last week I wanted to shake things up….

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But throughout everything, Tony stayed committed to his weight loss, and had amazing results because of his resolve and hard work. He started the program weighing 398 pounds and ended it exactly 200 pounds less than that. It was one of the most inspirational and emotional hours of television of…