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Change does take time, so don’t expect huge loses on the scale immediately. Patience is key as this is a lifestyle change and not a quick fix (as quick fixes don’t last!).First thing to address is the water, gradually you need to work up to 8 cups a day, this…

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Economy size food packaging and super size meals at fast food restaurants skew your perception of how much food your body actually needs. Teach your child to read and interpret food labels for calories, nutrients and serving sizes so she can make informed choices about how much of her favorite…

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If I could start again, I would definitely NOT quit smoking (was that 1999?) which led to another 20 pound gain. I’d do my damnedest to assure that my weight stayed between 125 and 135 pounds.. . meizitang sof gel But, as the odd massive disparity in today’s poll between…

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If they are not scared he seems to ignore them but won t let anyone but people he knows touch him. If they are scared then he becomes very aggressive. I am worried for my dog if I don t fix this problem that he might bite someone out of…