Staying aligned after fasting

When doing a fast it is important to feel supported, especially because we don’t only detox our body, but also our mind and spirit. A lot of stuff can come up emotionally, even things that we thought we’ve already worked through. We can experience extreme transformations, that we never thought possible and when we ride that high of feeling clear minded, happy and free, it is hard to imagine that we would ever forget that experience and go back to our old ways. But we are only human, and humans forget.
There are plenty of things we can do to remember what we experienced and discovered during fasting and cleansing. Journaling is a really good way to not forget how far you have come. This is one of my favourite ways of keeping track of my mind chatter and what my reality was at a given point in my life. When I forget, which I do all the time, I go back and have a read in my journal.

Writing my journal, keeps me grounded and aware of my mind chatter. I make sure to create a nurturing environment around me, to make me feel safe so I can let my deepest thoughts out on paper. Light up a candle and incense, put on some music and brew your favourite cup of tea!

The “vision board” I created during my fast. Creativity is my way of getting out of my head and into my body. Looking at it reminds me of the feeling of being free and connected to my Manipura chakra.
But an even greater way to stay aligned with your authentic self is to create a community of supportive people to keep close around you. When we leave to do a fast and actually makes this transition in our lives, we often change and learn a lot about ourselves and how we thrive in this world. But when we return home, the fact is that we often fall in to our old patterns, because nothing has changed in our home environment. The people are the same, the job is the same and nothing really evolved while being away, except from you!
Families and friends might know that you have been fasting, but they most likely still subconsciously expect to receive the same person home, that left just 7-14 days ago. And it can be extremely hard to be the person you want to be, your authentic self, when everybody is expecting you to be the same old you.
This is exactly why I would recommend you to surround yourself with people who can act as accountabilities for you to stay on the right path. This could be a partner, a friend, a healer or maybe the people you got to know during your fast. Only your imagination set the limits as to what and whom you can use to keep you inspired and accountable. Other things that can come in handy could be creating a vision board, downloading meditation apps or writing affirmations on your mirrors.
The Hub was created for this exact reason! To offer a loving, support system and community, that will cheer you on during the highs and be present and understanding during the lows, that is the roller coaster we call life. The hub is an online community that allows us to connect and support each other. It is possible to book sessions and keep in contact. This is something that the whole NIH team appreciate as much as any, as it allows us to follow the lives of our guests and be there with support if needed. It is there as an accountability and to support for you to keep sticking to the path that is right for you! The Hub also offers inspiration to continue a healthy, giving lifestyle and every month we will put out new, awesome content for our members. Content like articles, yoga sequences and talks.
If you want to explore more about The Hub, simply click here. Enjoy the ride, and remember to check in with yourself and your community!
written by :
Cecilie Schacht Madsen
Natural Instinct Healing Intern
Cecilie studies health and nutrition, and has been a certified yoga teacher since 2 years ago. She came along the way from Denmark to start her internship with us since November 2017. She has passion in healthy food and gut health! Reach her out through Instagram @cecilieschacht