Bali ‘Total Transformation’ Health Retreat

Bali ‘Total Transformation’ Health Retreat
Natural Instinct Healing are now offering our clients the “Rolls Royce” of fasting, detox, and healthy food experiences with our Total Transformation program in Bali.
Our 12-Day Total Transformation Retreat is a combination of a two day pre-fast alkaline liquid Feel aLIVE Super Food Cleanse, and followed by our ten day fasting program.
The retreat is a truly transformational holistic body and mind experience; incorporating two days of pre-fast cleansing to ease the body into the experience, followed by an amazing 10 day juice fasting detox program. The result? A program that transforms lives by taking a 12 day health and healing journey embracing the healing process through body, mind, heart and soul discovery.
Rejuvenation, relaxation, rest and repair is what this nurturing program is all about – allowing you to nurture your mind, body and soul by following a healthy detox diet, fasting, and creating a sacred space for you to become still and go within. It is about nurturing all parts of your being and giving your mind and body a rest by taking time out to meditate, process and heal all parts of that wonderful person that is you.
Total Transformation initially incorporates a healthy pre-fast alkalising diet to prepare your body for detox fasting. Synergistically combined with a fasting detox incorporating yoga, meditation, steam and sauna, colon cleansing, traditional Balinese water ceremony, restorative and healing treatments with our practitioners and all the support and freedom you desire, this program is a perfect tool to counteract the stresses of a busy and hectic lifestyle. The final two days of the retreat gently reintroduce your body (and mind!) back into a healthy and healing space through organic live foods; elixirs and smoothies; and an exploration of some of Ubud’s amazing healthy cafes and fine food dining.
The cleansing effects of a healthy diet and fasting in conjunction with spiritual and emotional support allows you to discover, uncover and reveal parts of who you are in a peaceful and healing environment. It is the perfect retreat if you are looking for a thorough cleanse or have been through emotional or physical stress – as we incorporate practical workshops, a fasting detox, and rebuilding your vitality. The Total Transformation allows you to reconnect, rejuvenate and heal – just like someone giving you a big warm hug this journey is all about nurturing yourself.
Bali 12-night Total Transformation Retreat
“I am so pleased I have put myself into your capable hands – your integrity and passion are reflected in your comprehensive approach to covering every single possibility and need my body needed during such an extraordinary experience.”
Who would benefit from our Simply Rejuvenate program?
If you are one of the many suffering the effects of a ‘burnout’ this program is definitely suited for you.
For people coming off a fasting program and wanting to re-introduce food in a supportive environment without the pressures or responsibilities from family, friends and co-workers.
If you are wanting to eat and live more healthily in everyday life however are finding that the information is overwhelming out there and it is “too hard to change” come and let us take all the stress out of it for you and have a nice, relaxing and refreshing holiday where you will actually go home feeling like you have had a holiday!
Total Transformation is also great for people recovering from illness, surgery or severe emotional stress. Give your body, mind, heart and spirit the support you need to recover completely and go home feeling great.
What is included in the program?
- Pre-cleanse support and information before coming to the retreat
- Airport transfers
- 12 nights accommodation
- All inclusions listed as part of your two nights of our Feel aLIVE Super Food Cleanse and 10 night fasting detox program.
- Workshops on a variety of topics including nutritional, eating for health, food as medicine, conscious cleansing, emotional clearing, hormonal balance and weight loss.
“I cannot put into words just how fantastic the NIH retreat is. This is the best gift that you could give yourself and your mind, body, and soul will thank you for it. The setting is a little paradise and the perfect place to unwind and focus on your healing. Kate and Pat are two of the nicest people you could ever hope to meet and they go ‘above and beyond’.”
Example daily schedule
subject to change
Guests arrive throughout the day, with personal intake consultations starting from Midday onwards. Massages flow into the afternoon to settle guests in the retreat groove and then a group retreat orientation takes place late afternoon where guests connect and retreat hosts deliver all that encompasses the retreat experience ahead.
Today is about slowing the body and mind down, in preparation for the fasting process. How we do this? Gentle yoga in the morning, smoothie after yoga, session at the steam & sauna in the middle of day, and light liquid soups and smoothies through the day | Slow. Down. Bliss.
This marks the start of your fasting process. More yoga to ease into the day this morning and then connecting with fellow retreat guests who may have arrived today for the 10 night fasting detox program. More massages and enjoying the onsite far infrared sauna. Diving deeper into the intricacies of the fasting process today, so you have a good idea of what the body will be going through over the next 10 days.
We start the day with a gentle yoga class, and then an education workshop on the digestive system. A guided mediation class in the afternoon slows guests down before we show an informative documentary in the evening. Day two is about slowing the body down and getting familiar with the daily detox process.
We typically begin day three with a rice paddy walk, exploring the beautiful neighbouring rice paddies. We then head off to a spa for an amazing few hours of steams, saunas, and hot/cold dipping pools. Return from the spa and straight into another massage. Another blissful day in Ubud!
The day starts with another yoga class and then a great Nutrition workshop in the middle of the day. Private sessions usually begin on day four – and for those without private sessions there is plenty of time to wander into town or laze poolside in the afternoon. Another inspirational documentary shown in the evening.
One of the program highlights is our sunrise bike tour through the local villages and rice paddies this morning. And it’s 95% downhill 🙂 An early start means guest have the rest of the morning free before we come together for a meditation which leads into the powerful Conscious Cleansing workshop at lunch. Private sessions and massages in the afternoon and some ‘homework’ and reflection from the workshop.
Yoga kicks off the day and then we try to keep the day open for guests to enjoy beauty care sessions in town (facials, manicures, pedicures, body scrubs, etc.) or to simply enjoy relaxing in the retreat space. A down day for guests to reflect on the process and check in that we are on track with what you set out to achieve.
The day usually begins with either a water therapy session in the pool or a light stretching class. And then we head off for an amazing and unique cultural experience – a water purification ceremony with a Balinese High Priestess. Truly an amazing experience and one that aligns perfectly with our program. Arrive back from the ceremony and into a relaxing massage…
Another deeper yoga class this morning, as the body increases in flexibility and function from previous classes and the detox experience. Typically another private session with one of our qualified practitioners before the inspiring Raw Food Kitchen Class in the afternoon. Great chance for food Q&A and practical recipe ideas for post-retreat eating! Guest choice of movie in the evening – no popcorn but plenty of thai lounge beds for movie night 🙂
Exercise class can is often guest’s choice this morning as retreat hosts feel into the energy levels of the group. Either a ‘mat’ class or out exploring nature again. We head back to the spa for another big session of steam, sauna, pools – and then relaxing afternoon of massages back at the retreat centre.
The final yoga class this morning and then guests have an opportunity for additional private sessions with retreat hosts or local practitioners, or often guests choose to visit a nearby health clinic for a ‘high colonic’. The afternoon is spent preparing the body for liver flush drink in the evening. This is the final ‘clean out’ before waking up to breakfast tomorrow!
Today is all about celebrating the fasting experience with breaking-fast! We typically break-fast at around 10am giving the group a chance to reflect and share their fasting experience. Now the food fun begins! Like the first days of slowing easing into the experience we do the same on the way out – enjoying food but doing so mindfully.