For us to deeply connect to our own inner wisdom and follow the right path for our soul as we walk this earth we need to make sure that the channels are open for us to hear and access our own intuition voice.

Connecting with the ‘wise part’ of yourself enables you to make clear and healthy choices, firm and honouring boundaries, and allows room for your ‘whole’ self to shine through. It brings all parts of you alive and will help you create the life you have envisioned for yourself in every possible way.

One of the ways in which we connect with this inner ‘wise part’ we all have is through meditation. We all know the positive repercussions of a daily meditation practice. It’s popularity has dramatically risen in modern times where even Western medical Doctors are prescribing it to their patients for depression and stress relief. Science has now proved what ancient healing lineages have been telling us for centuries; it works!

Meditation enables us to relax, drop into all the layers of our consciousness, get outside of the ‘busy-ness’ of the mind and connect us with what is truly important. It acts as a portal to the state of consciousness that is beyond rational mind and conditioned fear. It connects us back to love.

Welcome to Your Space, an embodied and direct experience that allows you to engage in a restorative moment of calm, to unwind, reflect and be nurtured.

This session of Your Space is the partner for episode Lean In 33: Dharma; Finding out why you are here and following your own unique path with Alex Vannucci.

In this accompaniment to episode 33 of ‘Lean In’, I will be your guide through an easy and simple meditation experience to get your body realigned, your mind relaxed and your soul stirred.

The perfect addition to help you to LEAN IN to whatever is happening within your own life.



Alex has just launched a 21 day applied meditation course for those who are yearning to find calm, create clarity, and navigate change within their lives.

This online course is a 21 day journey for you to explore and develop a self led meditation practice which will both deepen and transform your understanding of meditation and introduce a range of embodiment practices that will both nurture your growth and support you in your day to day life.

Each week is divided and explores a new meditation topic with guided meditations, movement and breath practices as well as written resources to support you along the way.

Your can find out all about it here

And the best bit….

We are offering listeners of Lean in a 50% discount to help support your meditation journey.

Use the code ‘LEANIN’ at the checkout. This offer is valid until 8th of June 2020.

So do not miss out!

NOURISH AND SUPPORT CALLS If you are feeling as though you need a little extra support, nourishment, guidance and understanding in your own healing journey right now then please join me and jump on a FREE 15 min nourish and support call with my extraordinary team of wholistic health practitioners. This is time to focus solely on you, your personal experiences and how you can move forward with your own health, wellness and healing.

To book in a call today and receive my ‘Nourish + Support’ 10 meditation series bundle (all completely free) please visit us at An offering my heart to yours to get us through this challenging and uncertain time.

Stay safe friends,

Love Kate

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