Your Space Episode 30: Understanding

For us to deeply connect to who we are, to connect to those around us, and connect to Mother Earth there is 1 essential ingredient we need; understanding. To be understood by another brings about an enormous capacity for healing within ourselves. When we...

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How Knowing Who You Are Makes You a Better Partner

A lot of pressures are put on women from a young age. Find the perfect partner, have a fairytale wedding, birth the perfect babies and live in a perfectly clean house while cooking gourmet meals for your family every night. We all know this is hogwash. But then why do...

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Your Space Episode 29: Be your best self

There is only one YOU that is unique in this world. Only 1 person out of billions and billions we share this planet with has your unique mind, body and spirit. When you don’t express yourself in a way that is true for you, the world misses out on all the...

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