The time for celebration, family, connection and holidays… AND Tis the Season to stay in Homeostasis! Our calendars are full and we are on a continual social schedule. It’s fun, exciting and brings much joy.. However for some, the joyful season can also bring...
Turbulence. Chaos. Anarchy. These are our times. If you can see beyond the incessant and rhetorical media headlines, you will know we are facing some harrowing societal, global, national, and individual issues. There is not one person on this planet that hasn’t...
Mistakes are a part of what makes us human. Nobody, not even you, is immune. When we make mistakes, it can become an opportunity to find our best learning. But how can we stop ourselves from making unnecessary mistakes, before they become our deepest regrets? Bronnie...
How to Deal with the Pain and Unhealthy Patterns of Your Childhood to Facilitate Your Own Emotional Evolution We all have a backstory. Even those among us with fairly positive and uneventful childhoods have experienced something that has stuck in our...
Were you ever afraid of the dark? The chances are at some point you were. It is the unknown void, the shadowed place that hides the creepy monsters that lie in wait under the bed. But as you turn on the light, and you enter into the familiar glow, you can see all is...
There’s an old saying, “Nature isn’t a place to visit. It is home.” Nature holds a special kind of energy. Not only is it pure, but it is also wild and spirit-renewing. So, why does taking a stroll in the wild make us feel almost euphoric?...
A lot of pressures are put on women from a young age. Find the perfect partner, have a fairytale wedding, birth the perfect babies and live in a perfectly clean house while cooking gourmet meals for your family every night. We all know this is hogwash. But then why do...
Sometimes we don’t realize how strong we are until we have no other choice. Dealing with the pain and emotional scars of trauma can cloud our vision, or make us lose sight of who we are and what we’re capable of. The truth is that as humans, we are much more resilient...
Athletes are often some of the most dedicated people in this world. It takes a lot of physical and mental strength to achieve the sometimes death-defying challenges and motivation plays a key role in reaching those goals and dreams. On a recent episode of the Lean In...
There are challenging processes that we all have to face, but during these times you can start to feel powerless. From the story we play out in our heads to the physical body not functioning how it should be, sometimes it feels like things are so out of control and...
During challenging times in life, opening up and showing vulnerability doesn’t always come naturally to everyone. It has become abundantly clear that the main component needed is a sense of safety that allows you to enter into a place of vulnerability without judgment...
There’s always a tipping point for everyone. You get into a position where you’ve become uninspired, unmotivated and find yourself struggling to move forward in life. Never fear, there are processes you can easily implement to get you back on track. Mel Loh is a...
Trauma can lay deep within us. Anyone who has experienced its sting knows all too well that you often lose yourself in the aftermath. When we speak of trauma, it can take on so many forms. From physical, emotional and spiritual to the more common post-traumatic...
When us yogis speak about being grounded, we’re talking about having a strong foundation within ourselves that allows us to feel firmly established and internally rooted, irrespective of what is happening in the external world. When a misalignment happens, you can...
Everyone has dreams and goals, but very few people are willing to reach to the very edges of themselves and test their higher limits to achieve them. There’s a poignant quote by the writer and spiritual leader, T.F Hodge, “The sky is not my limit, I...
The word ‘adventure’ calls to the mind so many images, snowy mountain peaks, rushing rivers, deep, lush forests and untamed nature. Adventures are in many ways exciting, and often take a certain act of boldness and courage to step one foot in front of the other into...
Dreams are strange things, one minute you might be independently flying through soft billowy clouds, and then suddenly the next having a full-blown argument with your best friend. When you wake up, dreamy and confused, the one thing you may ask yourself is, “what does...
There is no one like you on this planet. Let that sink in. You are unique, in how you think and exist in this world, and the way you embrace and use your creativity reflects that. So, how can we express our uniqueness? Today, our creativity allows us to be playful,...
When you feel that all is lost, hope can be that little glimpse of light in the darkness. As we navigate this consistently turbulent world, the sense of hopelessness and anxiety seems to feature heavily in all of us. When we’re carrying around trauma, sorrow, pain or...
In these uncertain times where political, social and economic changes are affecting so many of us on a global scale, it’s no wonder that anxiety levels are high. Just add a pinch of personal unrest into the equation and you end up with a ticking time bomb of emotional...
If you’ve ever travelled to Bali before, you would know that it is one special place! Not only the beautiful scenery, culture, food, surf, shopping etc. Also the incredible energy this island holds. Bali is a place where people come for a holiday and leave with...